Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A new year

I really need a new year check list. you know some paper that you write what you want to accomplish in the next year. Why? Because I feel like it have been a year already and I still haven't do anything good. Oh my good, I'm turning 19 in two month and I still have so much I want to do before that age. Where did the time go.

A bit of ifonramoitn

Do you konw taht if you mix up the ltteres in a wrod and keep the frsit and fnail lteter un tucoh you can siltl usnretdnad the wrod? It hvae been sicenfitcailly povred. Cool isn't it.

Left behind

I'm not leaving anybody or get abandon if that's what you think.
This is the event that bring this on. Last week is the Lunar New Year, as tradition, I go visit my teacher on the third day of new year. Actually I have never properly visit my teacher during New Year holiday but it is not my false my family love to travel on this occasion. Anyway, the teachers that I visited are two of our former teachers in high school, that is why I went visit them with a group of my classmate in high school.
I think I should give some more information about my high school class. Different from many Western country, in high school we don't choose class according to subject and teacher. We study with the same classmate for years. This create a strong bond between every student. In my class, this bond is exceptionally strong. During our high school year, we are one, we call ourselves by a name, treat each other equally. There are argument and each of us have our small group of close friend but it didn't stop us from being one and being equal. We study the same thing, at the same school. In short, we are all the same.
But thing change after we graduate. Sure, we are still a group, a close society include the craziest of the crazy in the world, but beside from the time we hang out with each other (which is very rare now) each of us are walking their own path, each of us are making their own success and for some reason, I seem to be the one who stay the same. When I heard my friends talk to our teachers, a part of me think of them as the same as the boy or girl I study with, but the other part, the part that heard about their concern and success, the part that heard about their current life feel like they are at a place so high and so far away I can't ever reach. For some reason I can't move on at they have done, for some reason I stay behind and hold on to the pass. If only I know what is that reason. ***sign***