Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lately I've been looking for a manga name Hanasekeru Seishounen. It's not an easy job at all. Although I have both the Japaness and the Vietnamese name I can't find the last 6 vols of it in any language. It's quite common for me to suddently interested in a manga but after a while I will forget it.
This story I'm interested in is quite good. Mostly because the ways the author build the characters. I especially like Iokazu- one of the main characters. It's not because he 's hot but the way he acts. It's so common. He does everything to protect his treasures including hutting her.
One thing make me prefer Japaness manga than Western comic is the way they contribute the characters. They are very humanity. They're full of contradictions. They've their own thoughts, their own wants. In comic you can see two types of characters- good and bad. But in manga you can't do that. Each character has good and bad in side them. We can't jugde them or their actions easily. Everything in manga look more realistic than comic too.


brownie said...

Hi. I'm a manga lover too, and I've been looking for the same manga.
I've only read the first chapter and it seems great.
Could you tell me the other names for hanasekeru seishounen? If I could, I'd like to buy it too... and if I come across the last few volumes, I'll tell you ><.

bluecornmoongirl said...

Hi. This is bluecornmoongirl. I have 2 names for this manga but it isn't helpful. this's a web that have from vol 1 to 6: http://comic.vuilen.com/viewbook.php?bookid=202 but it's in Vietnamess. If you have any more information please tell me. Thanks.