Friday, June 8, 2007

Another day with no special deed to do. My summer keep becoming more boring that I have all most nothing to write in my blog.
Yesterday I got my practice test's result, 25 more than the last one. It's a improvement but not enough. However the SAT exam won't take place in the next 4 months. Dammit, how can I keep focus in 4 month? I can feel myself losing attention right now. Reading, learning vocabularies, practicing writing aren't fun at all.
Tomorrow my grandma will go back to Autralia. That mean my mother will easy yell and angry again. Men, I love her so much when she isn't angry but when she get mad she look horrible, totally horrible, and she make me terrified too.
These days I don't get a lot of information about my classmates. I guest it because I don't care about keep in touch a lots. I always admire my friend when they go out with each other so often and I'm too lazy to do that. Even if I'm not that lazy I don't know who to go out with too. As a first child with too little siblings and a lot of cousin to care of, I'm buried under tons of responsibilities. Maybe that's why I'm so afraid of making contacts, afraid of carry more responsibilities. I lock myself at home and make contact with people who I know won't ask me for any cares but it's fun either. Compare to my friend I'm more experienced in being responsible but in others area they make me admire.
Today I recieve a comment from Gman. I have forget that when I make a link to his blog he would be aware about it too. But I think it is Ok. What I write here is what I think and I guest my friend won't be annoy if they read it. It's fun to be able to speak some of your feeling.

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