Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Scary Thought

Don't get scare yet. I'm not taking about thought in which ghosts and vampire running wild. Actually, it is a even more scary one. The kind of thought in which you questioning your own existence. Do you know that for each of us the chance that we even been born is ever small? I'm taking 1/1,000,000 the most. One false move in the history line and we won't even be there. But the chance of existence is still much larger than that of another being growing up become the person you are. Every experience you have been through in your life help make you the person you are. They influenced you one way or another.
But after all that hard work what did we have to offer back life. I question that all day as I sit still contributing nothing to life and yet taking too much. I waste my parents money by eating, going to school, playing. I eat animal and drink water to exist. I breath in O2 and release CO2. I damage this whole planet just by living. And for what? Most of my accomplishments are in studying. I help my parents but very little. I realize all of this yet I do nothing. I cannot stop people from staving to death. I can't even make a decent meal for my family. I can't help people who have AIDS, I can't even keep myself from catching a cold. I can't clear the world of war when my siblings are still frighting over the computer.
I'm nobody, my existence mean nothing to almost no one. But one day that will change and with every move I make, every good deed I do, that one day is getting closer and closer.

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