Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In the End

In The End, the Very End when time run out and the book close.
Last night, night of departing, night of sorrow and night of joy. We end a chapter in our life, close down a book and start a new one.
I can remember a few thing I've done that night. Dancing, cheering, eating, drinking, laughting and crying, of course, but I can't remember what I have in mind at the moment. They are all a bluss, a set of emotion mix up, blend in. I hug my friend and cry but I don't know for what. I simply can't not make out the reason my tear choke my words. Am I cry for us never be the same as we are now? Am I cry for the beautiful part of my life I have to leave behind? I don't know and I will never be.
It's funny how we can be so different from what we show people. most of the time A1 was mean to be the noisy, naughty class. We annoy everyone and seem so shallow. Nobody know under that shell are beautiful hearts. We love each other, care for each other. We cry and laught together. Between us are the unbroken bond creat by love, the love we develop with so much effort in three whole year. We have argue, there is none 46 people can be together with down having a agrument, but in the end it is the love, the caring we feel for each other that last and will last forever.
When I think about the departing night it always remind me of a fairy tale. But this is an unfinish fairy tale. The final demon are yet to be defeated. The hero still have a lot to do. Maybe he win, maybe he die trying. Anyway he have a long trouney ahead and his companion is nothing than the happy thought of glory past.

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